By Kirsten Nicole
September 20, 2023
Last week, I turned the same age, to the day, as my birth mom when she passed away from complications with an ectopic pregnancy.
It was an emotional day, one I'd been processing for about a year and a half, but that didn't quite prepare me for some of the very specific connections I began to make. The anniversary of her death, May 2nd, comes year after year, and I have the opportunity to remember her life with my family. However, last Tuesday was a day that would only come once in my life. I'm so grateful the Lord has given me a wonderful support system in my family, who have listened as I worked through what the day meant.
As I mentioned in my last post, "9,619 Days," the reality, certainty, and mystery of death has been at the forefront of my mind as I've thought about what it means to pass the age she was when she died. It is strange to think that I have already had a week longer than she was allowed on this earth. The people who knew her dearest and longest, have now known me longer. When I turned 9,619 days old, in the midst of a busy school schedule, I jotted down a few thoughts when I had a moment. This is what came of it.
When My Mom Was My Age...
When my mom was my age, she had a tow-headed toddler and loving husband.
When my mom was my age, she taught at a school.
When my mom was my age, she was thrilled for a second baby. But she had a miscarriage.
When my mom was my age, she had no idea how little time she had left.
When my mom was my age, she kissed me goodnight.
When my mom was my age, she laid in a truck on the way to the hospital.
When my mom was my age, she left home for the last time.
When my mom was my age, the doctors did everything they could, but her young body didn't revive.
When my mom was my age, she faced death.
When my mom was my age, her husband was planning a funeral for his high school sweetheart.
When my mom was my age, my family was choosing a coffin to bury her in.
When my mom was my age, so many people, so. many. people. came to offer condolences to my family.
When my mom was my age, my family asked God why her life had to be so short.
When my mom was my age, God answered that her time was complete.
When my mom was my age, she fell asleep in pain and woke in peace.
When my mom was my age, she began life with no pain, no tears, no death. A little before the rest of us.
When my mom was my age, she was immortalized here on earth as forever twenty-six. Though really, she stepped out of time and age for forever.
When my mom was my age, she hugged her Savior for the first time and entered into eternal rest.
Such heart-wrenching, beautiful poem. You are gifted with words.